WORD"A University Grammar of English" by Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum provides a comprehensive analysis of English grammar for academic audiences. This seminal work delves into the intricacies of English...
In "Aalmi Nasri Adab Aik Intikab 3 Vol," Ashar Najmi offers a comprehensive selection of global prose literature, spanning diverse cultures and epochs. The anthology presents a nuanced panorama of...
In "ABC of Common Grammatical Errors," Nigel Turton presents a concise and invaluable guide to navigating the often tricky terrain of grammar. With a focus on clarity and precision, Turton...
English Grammar & Composition: A Textbook of Class 9th, 10th - PTB (Punjab Textbook Board) is a foundational resource for students in Pakistan, specifically designed to meet the curriculum requirements...
"General Translation For Everyone" by M Masood and M Amir is a thorough guide aimed at demystifying the art of translation for a broad audience. This book provides readers with...
In "Human Language: From Genes and Brains to Behavior," edited by Peter Hagoort, a diverse group of researchers explores the multifaceted journey of human language from its biological underpinnings to...
"Introduction to Multimodal Analysis " offers a comprehensive exploration into the intricate world of multimodal communication. Now in its second edition, this book delves deeper into the analysis of various...
"Meaning and the English Verb," now in its third edition, is a seminal work authored by Geoffrey N. Leech that delves into the intricate relationship between meaning and verb usage...
In "Paragraph Writing Made Easy," Susan Cary Smith presents a concise and accessible guide to mastering the art of crafting effective paragraphs. Through clear instruction and practical examples, Smith demystifies...
In "Social Anthropology: An Introduction" by Joy Hendry, readers are provided with a comprehensive overview of the field of social anthropology. Hendry’s work delves into the study of human societies...
"Systemic Functional Linguistics: An Introduction 2nd Edition by Suzanne Eggins offers a thorough exploration of the theoretical framework and analytical tools of systemic functional linguistics (SFL). This edition delves into...
"The Handbook of Sociolinguistics: 1st Edition," edited by Florian Coulmas, stands as a comprehensive and authoritative resource in the field of sociolinguistics. With contributions from leading scholars, this handbook offers...